Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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TV Việt Nam moved to xbmc official repository - zecojbox
Quick update to everyone using this plugin. It is now available on the xbmc official repository. In order to install the plugin, all you need to do now is this one step:
TV Viet Nam 0.9.1 - zecojbox
Search for: TV Viet Nam 0.9.1 Great news! The long-anticipated update has been released. v0.9.1 is now in the official repo, so make sure you force-refresh in case xbmc was too lazy to do it automatic...
TV Viet Nam 0.8 - zecojbox
After a few minor updates, v0.8 is now released with a few changes. The most notable one is that I have decided to include oversea Vietnamese channels into the plugin (Vietface TV, VAN-TV, Global TV, ...
zecojbox - Page 4
a slacker's rants
TV Việt Nam v0.5 & xbmc repository - zecojbox
I’m quite glad that a few people have used and given good feedback to the TV Việt Nam plugin. Which has encouraged me to further improve it. So meet version 0.5. Two new VTV channels (VTV6 and VTV9) a...
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