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Are CSS Tables Better Than HTML Tables? - Vanseo Design
Mention css and tables in the same sentence and controversy is sure to follow. Web designers like myself have been telling you not to use html tables for layouts and now here we have a way to create t...
The Meaning of Lines: Developing A Visual Grammar - Vanseo Design
If you moved to another country (where they don’t speak the same language as you), one of the first things you’d probably do is start learning the language. You might even start long before you move i...
Forms: Surfaces And Planes, Volumes And Mass: The Elements Of Design Part III - Vanseo Design
Last week we looked at zero and one dimensional elements, namely the point or dot and the line. This week we’ll add a couple of dimensions and talk about surfaces and planes (2D) and then move on to v...
How To Define SVG Content for Reuse — Vanseo Design
Elements like defs and symbol provide a mechanism to define SVG content for reuse and then reference the content though the use element.
Visual Grammar: How To Communicate Without Words - Vanseo Design
I often use the phrase “visual design” when describing what we do as web designers. Recently I came across what I think is better phrase, “communication design.” When we design and build websites our ...
Robot Challenge Screen
Hi. I'm Steven Bradley. I write about web design, web development, and related topics. Recent articles are in the Notebook and feel free to explore the complete Archives of the site. You can buy m...