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Poland Holds Up Ukraine’s EU Membership Based on Ukrainian WWII Atrocities - The New American
Kyiv has no chance of joining the EU until it addresses the matter of exhuming the bodies of Poles who were murdered during the Second World War by Ukrainian Nazi collaborators in formerly Polish terr...
Man-lady HHS “Admiral” Levine Wants “Trans” Kids to Chemically Castrate, Mutilate Themselves - The
“Admiral” Rachel Levine, the cross-dressing man-lady and No. 2 health official in the country, unbosomed another big lie on MSNBC on Monday. “Transgender” kids aren’t mentally ill because they are “tr...
Biden’s Tranny Propaganda Hits Ecuador Through State Dept. Grant - The New American
If you thought children fondling the genitals of drag queens was a laugh, the latest from Clown World is a real thigh-slapper: U.S. taxpayers are subsidizing drag queen shows in Ecuador via the State ...
Senate Confirms Levine as No. 2 at HHS. First “Transgender” Asst. Sec. Favors Chemically Castrating
The U.S. Senate has approved the first-ever “transgender” person to be the assistant secretary of health and human services. The 52-48 vote confirmed “Rachel” Levine, a man who dresses and acts like a...
Argentina Pulls Out of BRICS While Iran, Russia Abandon U.S. Dollar - The New American
Argentina has formally declined an invitation to become a member of the BRICS group of nations, as per various news media outlets on Friday, December 29, quoting an official letter they have seen whic...
The New American - That Freedom Shall Not Perish
The New American covers news on politics economy culture and more based on the U.S. Constitution so that freedom shall not perish.