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Astromech droid | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Astromech droids, also referred to as astro droids or mechs, were a type of repair droid that served as an automated mechanic on starships. These compact droids used tool-tipped appendages stored in r...
Nolo | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Nolo was a mercenary employed by the Trade Federation around the time of the Invasion of Naboo. At some point in his career, Nolo became acquainted with mercenary Vana Sage. Sage would later go to wor...
R2-series astromech droid | Wookieepedia | Fandom
No job is over this little guy's head.R2-series advertising slogan The R2-series astromech droid was a model of astromech droid produced by Industrial Automaton, boasting a level of success that was n...
Star Wars: The Old Republic | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Even among its interactive peers, 'The Old Republic' is touted as a leap forward. Much as the first 'Star Wars' movie in 1977 changed history, its makers hope to create a new gold standard for gaming....
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