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EsquireEmpire - Hon Judge Darrell G Shepherd District Judge
This page (Hon Judge Darrell G Shepherd District Judge) was first created by admin on Aug 5, 2009 8:25 pm and to date has been edited 4 times, with the last edit made by sfazeli on Jan 14, 2011 8:50 a...
Oklahoma Court Records Dockets - public
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EsquireEmpire - Cleveland County District Court - Cleveland County Courthouse in Norman, Oklahoma
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EsquireEmpire - Child Support under Oklahoma Statutes and Guidelines
EsquireEmpire Duration of Child Support "Except [where the child has disabilities], any child shall be entitled to support by the parents until the child reaches eighteen (18) years of age. If a child...
Felony Murder in Oklahoma - public
Felony Murder in Oklahoma Felony Murder Rule in Oklahoma Oklahoma law allows one to be charged with first degree murder if death results (regardless of intent) during the comission of a felony. "A per...
What is EsquireEmpire? EsquireEmpire is a wiki site concerning Oklahoma legal issues and and law related directories. A wiki is a type of Web site that allows visitors to easily add, remove, or otherw...