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Project Management Stack Exchange
Q&A for project managers
scrum - Why can't the ScrumMaster and the project manager be the same person? - Project Management
How a ScrumMaster does compare to a traditional project manager, and can either role coincide with the role of product manager or project sponsor / project owner?
What's the best definition and explanation of project risk? - Project Management Stack Exchange
I've had trouble in the past explaining project risk to non-PMs. For me the key element I struggle to get people to accept is that a risk is something outside the control of those on the project...
process - What is the difference between framework vs methodology? - Project Management Stack
What the difference is between a methodology and a framework? And where does the process come into that story? And perhaps, it would be good to have this comparison explained by using methodologie...
In MS Project 2010, is it possible to renumber the task ids? - Project Management Stack Exchange
I'd like the task id field to increment in the same order as the start date, but I have added tasks between existing tasks, so when I sort by start date, the task ids go 1, 8, 15, 2, 4, 5, 7, etc. ...
MBA vs PMP to prepare for shifting to Management Career - Project Management Stack Exchange
I am wondering for a person who wants to advance his career from the development to management level in IT sector, what will provide him the suitable foundation or knowledge for him? MBA or PMP ? ...