Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Humax App Market - no idea how to use « My Humax Forum
Hi again, My second question relates to the Humax App feature, I have registered on the app market website and linked my device, my question is how do I actually download new apps? There is no option ...
my unit is not responding to the remote « My Humax Forum
offline I have had my Foxsat HDr for exactly one week.. the unit now fails to recognise my remote control. I have disconnected and reconnected everything but it still doesn't work. The remote ligh...
PVR 9300T not recording « My Humax Forum
TomT - 47 minutes ago » One has stopped recording. I can't do an instant record. I can use the guide to highlight a programme, press OK to register it to record, and get asked if I want a single p...
My 9150T has stopped recording « My Humax Forum
Hi, I'm a newby so apologies if I've missed some relevant info. I have a fairly aged 9150T which has always worked beautifully but over the last few months has gone from being mildly erractic about re...
My Humax Org
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Remote control not working properly « My Humax Forum
power cycle the box, i.e. physically switch it off from the mains if that doesn't help, take a note of the schedule (camera phone is useful here) and factory reset the box, don't format, you won't los...