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Lilycancook: Custard Cream Puffs and Banana Mousse Puffs
Today I managed to make cream puffs with 2 types of fillings. Browsing through different recipes available, I finally married several reci...
Lilycancook: 2020
Cook and share. Feel free to try out what I did.
Lilycancook: 2019
Assembly Use half of the pastry dough n keep the other half in the fridge Make a round ball n press down in your palm into a circle large enough To fill the muffin hole Fill all the muffin hol...
Lilycancook: Honey Cake
This light textured as spongy honey cake recipe is from Pooh's Yummy Cookbook. It is a simple recipe using 5 ingredients. Well, 6 if you inc...
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Lilycancook: Soft bread rolls
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