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Gwinnett County State Court | Judicial Nominating Commission
JNC notice to fill a vacancy within the State Court of Gwinnett County
Application | Judicial Nominating Commission
Instructions for interested applicants
Judicial Nominating Commission | For The State of Georgia
June 15, 2016 The Judicial Nominating Commission has submitted recommendations to fill vacancies within the State Courts of Bryan and Catoosa Counties. The vacancy within Bryan County was created by ...
Members | Judicial Nominating Commission for the State of Georgia
A list of our commission members and their contact information.
About Us | Judicial Nominating Commission for the State of Georgia
The Judicial Nominating Commission reviews applicants and recommends candidates to fill judicial vacancies within the state, superior and appellate courts in Georgia. Process Protocols
Search | Judicial Nominating Commission
The .gov means it’s official. Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .gov. State of Georgia government websites and email systems use “” or “” at the end of the ad...