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Food in Every Country
Food in Every Country: Algeria to France, Germany to Japan, Kazakhstan to South Africa, and Spain to Zimbabwe, Cumulative Index
Food in Spain - Spanish Food, Spanish Cuisine - traditional, popular, dishes, diet, history, common
1 GEOGRAPHIC SETTING AND ENVIRONMENT With Portugal, Spain makes up the Iberian Peninsula, or Iberia. Iberia is separated from the rest of Europe by the Pyrenees Mountains, which rise...
Food in Canada - Canadian Food, Canadian Cuisine - traditional, popular, dishes, recipe, diet
Canada is the world's second-largest country (after Russia), and is the largest country in North America. The eastern provinces, known as the Maritimes, are separated from the rest of the country by l...
Food in Egypt - Egyptian Food, Egyptian Cuisine - traditional, popular, dishes, recipe, diet
The Arab Republic of Egypt is located in the northeastern region of the African continent, bordering both the Mediterranean and Red Seas. The climate is arid and dry and most of the country receives l...
Food in France - French Food, French Cuisine - traditional, popular, dishes, recipe, diet, history
France 1 GEOGRAPHIC SETTING AND ENVIRONMENT France is the second-largest country in Europe (after Russia). Much of the country is surrounded by mountains. The highest mou...
Food in South Africa - South African Food, South African Cuisine - traditional, popular, dishes
South Africa 1 GEOGRAPHIC SETTING AND ENVIRONMENT South Africa is a large country at the southern tip of the African continent. It is slightly less that twice the size of...