Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Feedjit Free Live Traffic Feed
Cut and paste the code below into your blog's sidebar template: All you need to do is copy the code above into the HTML code of your blog or website. If you're not a web designer and need a littl...
Contact Feedjit
Contact Feedjit If you're reporting an incorrect location, please visit this page to change your home location. It will also change the location that appears on the live traffic feed. You ...
FEEDJIT Live Traffic Feed FAQ
Live Traffic Feed FAQ FEEDJIT did not guess my location correctly. Can I fix this? Yes! Visit this page to change your location. What is the "My-City's Blogosphere" link at the top of my widget? It ...
Feedjit Recommended Reading Widget FAQ
Feedjit Recommended Reading Widget FAQ What does Feedjit's Recommended Reading Widget do? Feedjit's Recommended Reading Widget suggests other pages on your Blog or Website that may interest your reade...
Feedjit Page Popularity Widget FAQ
Feedjit Page Popularity Widget FAQ What does Feedjit's Page Popularity widget do? This widget shows the most popular pages on your blog or website by analyzing your recent traffic patterns. It cons...
Feedjit Free Live Traffic Feed
INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING ANY BLOG OR WEBSITE All you need to do is copy the code above into the HTML code of your blog or website. If you're not a web designer and need a little help, here are a f...