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Twitch Chat Bot [mIRC] + web API - Chat and IRC - Twitch Developer Forums
I know I've posted quite a lot with questions regarding bots in general,I have a simple question for this time. If I have a bot that is hosted by mIRC and I have a website,would it b...
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Chat Follower Notification - API - Twitch Developer Forums
I am using mIRC at this moment trying to see if there is a way that my bot can shoutout and thank new followers for following the second they do, I have tried everything and I am just so lost. I just ...
mIRC IRCv3 tags: help! - Chat and IRC - Twitch Developer Forums
I am an amateur who runs an mIRC chat bot for a small stream and am trying to update it to use IRCv3 tags in preparation for the deprecation of the TWITCHCLIENT command. I'm having trouble captur...
Creating an IRC Bot - API - Twitch Developer Forums
I’ve created myself an irc bot based off this: - basically, everytime I try to check myself as an operator this is my code: boolean op=false; for (User user...