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DailyMed - D-CAL- calcium carbonate tablet, chewable
D-CAL- calcium carbonate tablet, chewable Number of versions: 7 RxCUI PSN SCD SY PSN SBD SY SY D-CAL- calcium carbonate tablet, chewable To receive this label RSS feed Copy the URL below and paste it ...
Antipyrine and Benzocaine Otic Solution USP Ear Solution
Topical Decongestant and Analgesic
ANTIPYRINE AND BENZOCAINE- antipyrine and benzocaine solution Bausch & Lomb Incorporated Disclaimer: This drug has not been found by FDA to be safe and effective, and this labeling has not been appro...
(afoxolaner) Chewables
Administer the appropriate combination of chewables NexGard can be administered with or without food. Care should be taken that the dog consumes the complete dose, and treated animals should be observ...
The National Library of Medicine (NLM)’s DailyMed searchable database provides the most recent labeling submitted to the Food and Drug Administr...
Drug Facts
Drug Facts Reye’s Syndrome: Children and teenagers who have or are recovering from chicken pox or flu-like symptoms should not use this product. When using this product, if changes in behavior with n...