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SLURL BUILDER FORM - Everything Else - Second Life Community
Does anyone know if the form for the slurlbuilder on the Knowledge Base has moved? Disappeared? It was fast for making a slurl to post on my blog. Thanks
Status Grid - Second Life
Second Life Showing results for Subscribe [Resolved 2:45 PM PDT, 18 September 2016] Login issues have been resolved. [Posted 8:30 AM PDT, 18 September 2016] We are aware that some users are ex...
Phoenix Viewer - Second Life Viewer - Second Life Community
I'm sure there a lot of people who run the Phoenix SL viewer. However, I downloaded it and it locked my machine up tough when I tried to start it. By that I mean no courser control, and no ability to ...
Grid status - English - Second Life Community
If you are experiencing issues with Second Life, you can check to see if there is a known problem with the Second Life grid. Go to for the latest updates on outages a...
FIRESTORM - Second Life Viewer - Second Life Community
I want to know what the settings are to make Firestorm faster and still have good graphics. I messed with the quality and performance slider and i put it between low and mid and it seem to speed it up...
Second Life - Second Life Community
It’s a mad, mad world...that’s why we’re crazy for the all-new MadPea City. The acclaimed MadPea Productions recently opened up elaborate new headquarters in Second Life and their new Region also hous...