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Scotland's Aquaculture | Publications
The following links are all to external websites. Annual Reports Scottish Fish Farm Production Surveys[1] Scottish Shellfish Farm Production Surveys[2] Locational Guidelines for the Authorisation of ...
Scotland's Aquaculture | Home
The irregular coastline of Scotland offers many ideal sites for shellfish production such as long line mussel farms. This website has been developed in partnership by the following organisations to pr...
Scotland's Aquaculture | Our Aquaculture
Scotland's Aquaculture Aquaculture is a growing and increasingly important food production industry to Scotland. It helps to underpin sustainable economic growth in rural and coastal communities parti...
Scotland's Aquaculture | Site Details
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Scotland's Aquaculture | About
About this Site This website is designed to give a single point of access to aquaculture information held by the main regulators of the Scottish aquaculture industry. The project was developed in a sp...
Scotland's Aquaculture | Shellfish Aquaculture
Shellfish Aquaculture Shellfish farming is a significant and growing aquaculture sector in Scotland feeding demand in a growing market both in the UK and abroad. It is a low-impact, sustainable indust...